Visit muGrid Analytics At Solar Power International!

muGrid Analytics will be at Solar Power International from September 10-13, 2017. SPI is the largest solar trade show in North America and is being held at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada. We will be presenting some of our recent work with AvalonBay Communities and Host Hotels and Resorts at the poster session on Monday evening. Amy Simpkins, muGrid’s Director of Business Development, will staff the poster session, so please stop by and say hi.

Here is a summary of the two posters.

Calculating The Demand Charge Reduction Of A 598-kW Commercial Solar Array On Maui

Calculating The Demand Charge Reduction Of A 598-kW Commercial Solar Array On Maui

It is commonly assumed that solar alone cannot effectively reduce peak demand charges due to their weather-induced intermittency and the unpredictable nature of many electrical loads. Therefore, this potential revenue stream is often omitted when building the business case for solar.  In this project we analyzed one year of historical solar production data for one of the largest solar arrays on Maui to calculate the efficacy at which solar is able to reduce peak demand charges. We found that the 598 kW solar array was able to reduce peak demand by an average of 76 kW per month over the course of one year for an efficacy of 15%. This represents a utility bill savings of about $1500 per month given the current Maui Electric Company tariff.

Optimizing Solar Deployment For A Portfolio Of 284 Multi-Family Communities Across the US

Optimizing Solar Deployment For A Portfolio Of 284 Multi-Family Communities Across the US

Large corporations with dozens – or hundreds – of spatially-distributed real property assets face unique challenges when developing a solar strategy. With such a large number of sites, it can be difficult to decide where to start deploying solar. That’s because each property is likely to have a unique cost of electricity, solar resource, incentives, and space available for solar, all of which combine to determine the techno-economic viability of solar at that site. We have developed a portfolio screening methodology that leverages big data to efficiently identify the most promising sites for solar without the need for a site visit. This big data approach to solar screening reduces soft costs by conducting feasibility studies at only the most promising sites. We have recently used this approach to help develop the solar strategy for 284 multi-family apartment complexes geographically distributed across the United States.

Other places to find muGrid Analytics at Solar Power International

Amy will also be attending the Solar In Your Community Challenge Workshop on Sunday morning. muGrid Analytics is a featured technical consultant to the challenge and has been helping teams model and analyze their projects. She’ll be available to meet and interact with representatives from the teams and can describe our financial modeling, analysis, and optimization capabilities that can help make your community solar project a success. The workshop is on Sunday from 9 AM to Noon.

On Tuesday, September 12, Amy will be attending the Women in Solar & Storage Luncheon.

Otherwise, you can find Amy roaming the conference. Please stop by and introduce yourself.


Meet up with muGrid Analytics at ASES Solar 2017!


Visit muGrid Analytics At The Critical Power Expo In Novi, Michigan